
Case Study #2

Patient initials: Y. R.
Patient age: 66
Gender: M
Medical history: Generally healthy
Bone type: Class 3-4
Date of surgery: 27 October, 2022
Type of Anesthesia: Local
Implants sites: #25,26
Flap type: Punch
Depth of navigation: 1 mm shorter than sinus floor.
Additional procedures: Closed sinus elevation
Implant manufacture: MIS
Procedure time: 75 min Apx.
Number of implants:2
Implants average estimated deviation from planning: 1 mm
Medical Complications: None
System Complications: None
Post-operative complications: None

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Case Study #1

Patient initials: S. N
Patient age: 52
Gender: M
Medical history: Generally healthy
Bone type: Class 1
Date of surgery: 12 January, 2023
Type of Anesthesia: Local
Implants sites: #46
Flap type: Punch
Depth of navigation: Full depth
Additional procedures: None Implant manufacture: MIS Procedure time: 45 min Apx. Number of implants:1
Implants average estimated deviation from planning: 0.5 mm
Medical Complications: None
System Complications: None
Post-operative complications: None

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